Panašus turinys

Calculation of import charges in EU

Anthony Buckley

‎ €18.59
importas, muitai, mokesčiai
Calculation of import charges in EU

Anthony Buckley

‎ €18.59
importas, muitai, mokesčiai
en, lt
Skolos muitinei išnykimas – ar kartu išnyksta ir importo PVM bei akcizo skola?

Žinojimas kaip yra taikomos vienų ar kitų muitinės ir mokestinės teisės aktų nuostatos, apsaugo verslą nuo finansinių ir laiko praradimų, skirtų ginčų teismuose sprendimui. Šioje Europos Sąjungos Teisingumo Teismo sprendimo apžvalgoje atkreipiame dėmesį į aspektus, susijusius su akcizo ir PVM skola už iš trečiųjų šalių į ES neteisėtai įvežtas prekes – ar ji išnyksta kartu su importo muito skola.

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

importas, muitai, mokesčiai, pažeidimai
en, lt
Skolos muitinei išnykimas – ar kartu išnyksta ir importo PVM bei akcizo skola?

Žinojimas kaip yra taikomos vienų ar kitų muitinės ir mokestinės teisės aktų nuostatos, apsaugo verslą nuo finansinių ir laiko praradimų, skirtų ginčų teismuose sprendimui. Šioje Europos Sąjungos Teisingumo Teismo sprendimo apžvalgoje atkreipiame dėmesį į aspektus, susijusius su akcizo ir PVM skola už iš trečiųjų šalių į ES neteisėtai įvežtas prekes – ar ji išnyksta kartu su importo muito skola.

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

importas, muitai, mokesčiai, pažeidimai
ECJ rules on liability of indirect customs representative

This article looks what the ECJ decided in its recent Case C-714/20 (U.I.). In addition, the article will analyse this case in light of the previous ECJ cases on similar matters. It also touches upon the deductibility of the import VAT by the forwarders and carriers. Finally, the article looks at the practical implications of this case for the EU, particularly the Netherlands and some other EU Member States.

Dr Aiki Kuldkepp

muitinės tarpininkas
ECJ rules on liability of indirect customs representative

This article looks what the ECJ decided in its recent Case C-714/20 (U.I.). In addition, the article will analyse this case in light of the previous ECJ cases on similar matters. It also touches upon the deductibility of the import VAT by the forwarders and carriers. Finally, the article looks at the practical implications of this case for the EU, particularly the Netherlands and some other EU Member States.

Dr Aiki Kuldkepp

muitinės tarpininkas
Financial consequences of indirect customs representation mode in the EU

According to Article 18 of the Union Customs Code (UCC), the customs representative may carry out customs formalities by direct or indirect representation. Regardless of the method of representation chosen, the representation contract remains a mandate contract, which obliges the importer to guarantee the customs representative the payment of import duties and taxes incurred by the operation. The choice of the mode of representation, on the other hand, is important when the importer has disappeared (or become insolvent) and has left the customs representative alone to deal with customs. Indeed, if the representative has acted as an indirect representative, the administration can claim payment of the entire debt from him... except perhaps in the case of VAT, because, according to the CJEU, solidarity in VAT matters is not automatically established.

Anouck-Préscillia Biernaux

muitinės tarpininkas
Financial consequences of indirect customs representation mode in the EU

According to Article 18 of the Union Customs Code (UCC), the customs representative may carry out customs formalities by direct or indirect representation. Regardless of the method of representation chosen, the representation contract remains a mandate contract, which obliges the importer to guarantee the customs representative the payment of import duties and taxes incurred by the operation. The choice of the mode of representation, on the other hand, is important when the importer has disappeared (or become insolvent) and has left the customs representative alone to deal with customs. Indeed, if the representative has acted as an indirect representative, the administration can claim payment of the entire debt from him... except perhaps in the case of VAT, because, according to the CJEU, solidarity in VAT matters is not automatically established.

Anouck-Préscillia Biernaux

muitinės tarpininkas
en, lt
Palūkanos už iš ES valstybės narės susigrąžinamas neteisėtai išieškotas muitinės administruojamas sumas ir jų vertinimas ES teismų praktikoje

Verslo praktikoje dažnai pasitaiko situacijų, kai iš verslo subjektų muitinė išieško įvairias jos administruojamas įmokas ar sankcijas, nors toks išieškojimas ar įpareigojimas jas sumokėti vėliau gali būti pripažintas neteisėtu, prieštaraujančiu ES teisės nuostatoms. Atitinkamai, tuomet kyla klausimas, ar tokios, neteisėtai išieškotos ir/ar sumokėtos sumos (muitai, kitos įmokos, sankcijos), kurias administruoja muitinė, ES valstybėse narėse privalo būti grąžintos su palūkanomis, apskaičiuotomis už laikotarpį, per kurį buvo atitinkamam asmeniui (verslo subjektui) neteisėtai atimta galimybė disponuoti atitinkamomis pinigų sumomis? Straipsnyje apžvelgsime kaip tokie klausimai turėtų būti sprendžiami pagal naujausią ES Teisingumo Teismo praktiką.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

muitai, mokesčiai, pažeidimai
en, lt
Palūkanos už iš ES valstybės narės susigrąžinamas neteisėtai išieškotas muitinės administruojamas sumas ir jų vertinimas ES teismų praktikoje

Verslo praktikoje dažnai pasitaiko situacijų, kai iš verslo subjektų muitinė išieško įvairias jos administruojamas įmokas ar sankcijas, nors toks išieškojimas ar įpareigojimas jas sumokėti vėliau gali būti pripažintas neteisėtu, prieštaraujančiu ES teisės nuostatoms. Atitinkamai, tuomet kyla klausimas, ar tokios, neteisėtai išieškotos ir/ar sumokėtos sumos (muitai, kitos įmokos, sankcijos), kurias administruoja muitinė, ES valstybėse narėse privalo būti grąžintos su palūkanomis, apskaičiuotomis už laikotarpį, per kurį buvo atitinkamam asmeniui (verslo subjektui) neteisėtai atimta galimybė disponuoti atitinkamomis pinigų sumomis? Straipsnyje apžvelgsime kaip tokie klausimai turėtų būti sprendžiami pagal naujausią ES Teisingumo Teismo praktiką.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

muitai, mokesčiai, pažeidimai
Keep an eye on customs case law or Who has enough money to throw away?

‘Compliance’ with statute law has given rise to a lot of publications and debates. However, when considering compliance, it should not be forgotten that case law also influences a company’s organisation and processes. Can you think of any court cases which are having an effect on your internal operations? Using the current proceedings on ‘reimbursement interest’ as an example, this contribution shows that court rulings can influence customs practice in companies and so it is important that you follow court proceedings from the outset. This is because even pending proceedings may enable you to earn money with customs or at least avoid throwing it away. Court judgements do not always operate to the detriment of the economic participant.

Dr. Talke Ovie

muitai, mokesčiai, pažeidimai
Keep an eye on customs case law or Who has enough money to throw away?

‘Compliance’ with statute law has given rise to a lot of publications and debates. However, when considering compliance, it should not be forgotten that case law also influences a company’s organisation and processes. Can you think of any court cases which are having an effect on your internal operations? Using the current proceedings on ‘reimbursement interest’ as an example, this contribution shows that court rulings can influence customs practice in companies and so it is important that you follow court proceedings from the outset. This is because even pending proceedings may enable you to earn money with customs or at least avoid throwing it away. Court judgements do not always operate to the detriment of the economic participant.

Dr. Talke Ovie

muitai, mokesčiai, pažeidimai
The concept of a customs debtor in the UCC and the case-law of the Court of Justice of the EU

Both in the practice of tax disputes and during tax inspections or investigations carried out by the customs authorities, the following question arises quite often: which particular person the customs authorities are entitled to qualify as the debtor and, accordingly, to calculate (to that or another particular person) the additional import taxes. In this article, we will review the provisions of the EU Union Customs Code (UCC) and the relevant case-law of the EU Court of Justice (CJEU), which helps to answer these questions and allows businesses to defend their rights and legitimate interests in disputed situations.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

muitai, mokesčiai
The concept of a customs debtor in the UCC and the case-law of the Court of Justice of the EU

Both in the practice of tax disputes and during tax inspections or investigations carried out by the customs authorities, the following question arises quite often: which particular person the customs authorities are entitled to qualify as the debtor and, accordingly, to calculate (to that or another particular person) the additional import taxes. In this article, we will review the provisions of the EU Union Customs Code (UCC) and the relevant case-law of the EU Court of Justice (CJEU), which helps to answer these questions and allows businesses to defend their rights and legitimate interests in disputed situations.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

muitai, mokesčiai
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